Танці. World of Dance

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«So You Think You Can Dance» in Ukraine during the last nine years has become really a colossal scale. Thanks to this show ukrainians were able to meet many talented dancers who realized their dream — a life dedicated to his favorite occupation. Participants from Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, China, the Baltic States and Japan fought on the stage for the title of best dancer.

Judges of the show are the best dancers and directors from Europe and Ukraine: Radu Poklitaru — philosopher of Ukrainian modern and one of the most sought-after choreographers in the European theater of dance , Constantine Tomilchenko — author of the first in the CIS dance 3D-show «Baron Munchausen» and the director of 3D-show «Dream Guards», Tatyana Denisova — author of one of the the most popular dance show in Germany, and Vlad Yama — the king of ballroom dancing Ukraine.

In 2013, the creators of the show «So You Think You Can Dance» сhanged the rules of the contest. Now, twenty ten, to get on the air, in addition to a television casting, must pass a series of extra tests. Participants of the last season SYTYCD dance in the water, fire, and even with snakes. In the course of these tests it is determined by a dozen of the strongest dancers, who will compete in a live show. The winner of the project is determined by the vote of TV-audience, so the fate of each of best dancers is in the hands of viewers. The winner is announced during the final gala-concert.

The winners of the previous seasons were Alexander Ostanin (first season), Natalia Ligay (second season), Alexander Gerashchenko (third season), Vasily Kozyr (fourth season), Ildar Tahirov (fifth season), Vladimir Rakov (sixth season), Daniel Sybilly (seventh season) and Ildar Gainutdinov (eighth season).

Hosts of the show — Lily Rebryk and Dmitry Tankovych.

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